Sunday, April 30, 2023

Final Project

 I’ve created an R Package (photoforestryr) meant to help marine biologists to analyze forestry measurements in mangroves.  Unlike “terrestrial” forests, mangroves are extremely difficult to traverse given the tangle of aerial and prop roots that are characteristic of Rhizophora spp. (Figure 1).  This tangle of structure makes the task of collecting tree density, diameter at breast height (DBH), basal area, and absolute height measurements prohibitively challenging; what may take minutes in a pine forest will take hours in mangroves.  


Figure 1.  Mangrove understory.

A solution is to adopt more indirect methods that do not require the observer to physically contact each tree that is to be measured.  By using a combination of plotless density estimation methods, trigonometry and photogrammetric interpretation, I found a way to describe whole mangrove stands from a fixed point rather than needing to move from tree to tree.  

To perform a survey using this method, the observer sets up a tripod at a random point within the forest.  Tree Density can be determined using a laser range finder and the Point-centered Quarter method (Figure 2).  The diameter of each tree at 1.3 m above the ground (DBH) can be accurately estimated using an empirically established relationship between pixel number and distance for a given camera.  This relationship was found by photographing a post of known diameter from various distances and observing the number of pixels (using ImageJ image analysis software) occupied by the post’s width at each distance (Figure 3).  A regression revealed a negative exponential relationship.  The exact mathematical relationship between pixel number and distance will vary from camera to camera.


Figure 2.  Fixed point sampling in a mangrove forest using a camera and laser range finder.


'' failed to upload. Invalid response: RpcError

Figure 3.  Relationship between pixel number and distance for an object of known diameter.

The diameter at breast height of each tree can be calculated using the function PhotoDBH which is included in the package photoforestryr:

PhotoDBH <- function(pixels, distx){

  DBH <- pixels/(33.198*(distx^-1.018)); 



The resulting DBH can be used by another function included in this package, called BasalArea:

BasalArea <-function(DBH){

  BA <- pi*((DBH/2)^2);



When these functions are applied to the 25 trees closest to the fixed observation point, the area -standardized basal area of the mangrove can be estimated.  Basal Area is a standard estimate of standing biomass in forests and permits comparison between forests.

It is also possible to estimate the height of each tree observed from a fixed point using the laser range finder, a clinometer, and trigonometry.  A clinometer is a handheld device that permits an observer to measure the angle between an observer and the top of a tree (Figure 4).  


Figure 4. Height determination using range finder, clinometer, and trigonometry.

By using this angle and the distance between the observer’s eye and the top of the tree, the height of the tree (H) can be determined using trigonometry.  The function TreeHeight performs this calculation and adds 1.75 m to account for the height of the observer.  This amount can be adjusted for individuals of a different height.

TreeHeight <- function(distz, angle){


  Height <- (sin(radians)*distz)+1.75 ;



This package is distributed in Github under a MIT license.  It may be found here:

Monday, April 3, 2023

Assignment 12

 This week we were to create a markdown file for our project.  Unfortunately, my script is no where near ready for me to create a meaningful markdown file.  What I have produced here is a place holder.

I rendered it as an html rather than a pdf as I initially intended because i was given a warning that Latex wasn't present when I tried to knit as a pdf.  Html worked.

When it comes time for me to create my real markdown, besides the outputs from the rscript, I will also include a demo database to show the proper layout of input data.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Assignment 10

 Today I began the creation of my R Package called Rforestry.  It will be a useful way to convert individual measurements of trees in the field to a summary measure of tree density and basal area.  The package will be housed on GitHub in the following repository:

I am having trouble understanding how to link this package directly to GitHub for backup so I manually uploaded the Description file for the class to view.

Here is the Description file that I have associated with this package:

Package: Rforestry
Type: Package
Title: Calculate Forestry Measures
Version: 0.1.0
Author: William Ellis
Description: This package when given tree diameter and distances
from randomly placed centerpoints calculates forest density and
basal area.
License: CC0
LazyData: true

Monday, February 20, 2023

Assignment 6

 Assignment 6

The code for this assignment may be accessed at

1. Consider A=matrix(c(2,0,1,3), ncol=2) and B=matrix(c(5,2,4,-1), ncol=2).
a) Find A + B

For this part of the assignment I just created the matrices as objects and added them together.  This worked because the matrices had the same dimensions.

     [,1] [,2]
[1,]    7    5
[2,]    2    2

b) Find A - B

For this part of the assignment I just created the matrices as objects and subtracted B from A.  This worked because the matrices had the same dimensions.

     [,1] [,2]
[1,]   -3   -3
[2,]   -2    4

2. Using the diag() function to build a matrix of size 4 with the following values in the diagonal 4,1,2,3.

For this part of the assignment, I used the code:

m=c(4,1,2,3) #create vector with specified values

M=diag(m,4) #create matrix with vector values in diagonal


which gave this output:

     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,]    4    0    0    0
[2,]    0    1    0    0
[3,]    0    0    2    0
[4,]    0    0    0    3

3. Generate the following matrix:

I did this last part in three sections.  I created 5x5 matix with 3 as the diagonal.  I then created 2 separate 5x5 matrices with the numbers needed to contribute to the final product via addition.  Here is the code and the output:


O=matrix(c(0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0), ncol=5)

P=matrix(c(0,2,2,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0), ncol=5)



     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[1,]    3    1    1    1    1
[2,]    2    3    0    0    0
[3,]    2    0    3    0    0
[4,]    2    0    0    3    0
[5,]    2    0    0    0    3

Monday, February 6, 2023

Assignment 4

 Hello Class,

For Assignment 4, I began by entering the data into Excel and saving as a csv file.

I then created a boxplot of the data comparing the Blood pressure of individuals given high or low final decisions (see plot below).  I used the ggplot package to do this

After that I created a histogram of Blood Pressures using the ggplot package (see plot below).

Finally I calculated the mean BP by the final decision with the following result: 

  Group.1        x
1    high 125.6667
2     low  68.0000

My script may be found at:

Monday, January 30, 2023

 Hello Class,

In this assignment we were to calculate the mean of two polls for several candidates.  To do this (you may find my code here: , I combined two concatenated lists of poll values into a data frame.  I then found the mean of each row of values (ABC and NBC polls).  I wanted to organize this by candidate, so I combined this new list of means with the list of candidate names into a new data frame.

I imagine there is a more efficient way of doing this.  I would liked to have found a way to create just a single data frame and calculate the mean of numerical components of rows and present the results headed by the candidate names.

Below is my code and output.

>Name = c("Jeb", "Donald", "Ted", "Marco", "Carly", "Hillary", "Bernie")

>ABC_political = c(4, 62, 51, 21, 2, 14, 15)

>NBC_political = c(12, 75, 43, 19, 1, 21, 19)

>first.df = data.frame(ABC_political, NBC_political)




>second.df = data.frame(Name, pollmean)


Monday, January 23, 2023

 In Assignment 2, we were presented with the prompt:

assignment2 <- c(161814222717191717222022)
myMean <- function(assignment2) { return(sum(assignment2)/length(assignment2)) }
> YOUR turn...

In analyzing this R code, after reading the article "Writing Functions Using R" it was apparent that the intended purpose of the function "myMean" was to return the mean value of the sequence "assignment2" by dividing the sum of the sequence by the length of the sequence.  As written, the code did nothing.  The expression was correctly formatted, but I needed to replace line 3 (>YOUR turn...) to get the code to return a value.  I chose to enter 

"> myMean(assignment2)" 

to apply the function to the object "assignment2".  When I did so, R returned [1] 19.25, which is the mean of the sequence.  It worked!

I am having a terrible time understanding how to link RStudio to GitHub.  I'm also uncertain if I should be using the Project window or the console window in RStudio to create and test my code.  It seems as though the project window is necessary for versioning.  If that is the case, why would I use the console window?  I'll figure this out eventually.